U3:1.1 Locate, access and use information to support own development.

U 6:1.2 Post 1 Research Sins

Seven deadly sins


 Sloth is basically is the lack of any physical effort of mantle laziness and lack of any effort to do any physical action to do something, but it can be a more horrifying  when it takes place in a event of an emergency or globe significance, this can occur when apathetic people in a position of power will do nothing to help people of domestic need or inter nation aid, (war torn country, plague or other tragedy across the world) or for the sinister side of sloth is the willing to manipulates someone intro doing something because they are having some one doing the wrong thing and keeping the manipulators hands clean or frame the person to get any advertises of the backs.

My idea for an opening sequence of the sloth TV program is to show someone using his/her phone outside or inside while walking past someone homeless and hungry is begging for some money, news reports of national tragedy is playing on a near by radio and the apathetic audience will not do too much work to solve the problem and just buy something to symbolism and “show support” to the crises.

For my opening sequences I will be showing off the footage I took with the help of my friend Zack and a bit of animation mixed with the the titles layout on adobe.

To some it all up

  • Sloth is the regret of effort of physical, mantle or spiritual.
  • This sin is represent as a gout, with color of the light blue.
  • At best the sin is laziness of doing activities, At worst it could course untold damage to your relationships, you life and everything around you.
  • Or it can be shown in despair as a sigh of giving to the Tirane or emergency situation
  • And finally for committing this sin; you will be thrown in to a pool of snakes.

Sources on the official website.

And TV tropes


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